PinnedHooray! The site is finally up and running! Welcome!Yesterday, October 5th, The Prodigy turned 31. They are truly one of our personal life-changers and we would really like to thank them for…Oct 6, 2021Oct 6, 2021
Gabba from ‘leaked DAT’ on Patreon!Do you guys remember this story about the allegedly leaked DAT recordings with some rare and unreleased tracks? Here is our story…Dec 5, 2021Dec 5, 2021
Published inTheProdigy.RuExclusive interview with Neil McLellan (March 2021); Part 2In Mar 2021 we spoke to Neil McLellan, The Prodigy producer, about his being a sound engineer — he shared a lot of rare details & tricks!Jul 21, 2021Jul 21, 2021
Published inTheProdigy.RuExclusive interview with Neil McLellan (March 2021); Part 1In Mar 2021 we spoke to Neil McLellan, The Prodigy producer, about his work with Liam H — he shared a bunch of rare stuff about the band!Jun 9, 2021Jun 9, 2021
Published inTheProdigy.RuExclusive interview with Kieron Pepper (November 2020)In Nov 2020 we spoke to Kieron Pepper, ex-The Prodigy. He told about the band, FLINT, BaseFace, his musical roots, present & the future.Dec 15, 2020Dec 15, 2020
Published inTheProdigy.RuExclusive interview with Leeroy Thornhill (December 2020)In Dec 2020 we interviewed Leeroy Thornhill, ex-The Prodigy. The talk was about his “Back To Me” release & the status of music industry.Dec 13, 2020Dec 13, 2020